Art therapy in progress

Art Therapy: A Tangible Outlet for Grief, Trauma and Anxiety

…and neurological benefits. For example, for individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), visual arts such as painting, drawing or sculpting help them to depict traumatic experiences and then view the

Ashdown Mill EarthChoice Ambassadors hosted a seedling giveaway - employees are pictured with Earth Week banners and a blue tablecloth-covered table with additional info sheets.

Domtar’s EarthChoice Ambassadors Lead a Week of Earth Day Activities

…Domtar’s parent company. “Big change starts with small changes, and these events will make a difference in those communities.” This year, EarthChoice Ambassadors have planned a variety of events that…

Open book on tree stump in the forest with a seedling growing from it. As Domtar celebrates 175 years, we reflect on our sustainability story.

Domtar’s Sustainability Story: Another Reason to Celebrate Our Legacy

the needs of future generations,” says Rob Melton, Domtar’s senior vice president for pulp and paper, commercial, who also is chair of Domtar’s cross-functional environmental, social and governance (ESG) committee….

Domtar sustainability priorities publication

Domtar Sustainability Priorities Include Emissions, Water, Forestry

…developed these sustainability priorities through the leadership of our cross-company Environmental, Social and Governance Committee and with input from a wide variety of stakeholders. “We’ve identified six broad priority areas,”…

smart shipping reduces environmental impact

Smart Shipping Reduces Environmental Effects

…which helps companies advance supply chain sustainability by measuring, benchmarking and improving freight transportation efficiency. Today, we’re one of just six companies based in South Carolina that are SmartWay-certified shippers….

Woman with paper packaging. Paper Packaging Answers Demand for Plastic Alternatives

Paper Packaging Answers Demand for Plastic Alternatives

…paper to replace plastic. We are engaging with our neighboring communities for more recycling solutions. Domtar is proud to provide more sustainable packaging material for our communities and the planet.”…

we support carbon sequestration efforts

From Seedlings to a Trillion Trees, We Support Carbon Sequestration Efforts

forests near our pulp and paper mills healthy and profitable. We source wood responsibly, with 41 percent of our wood deliveries in 2020 coming from third-party certified forests, and we…

national safety month 2021

Domtar Marks Safety Milestones for National Safety Month 2021

…May, the Dryden Mill and Domtar’s offsite network of eight converting facilities recently achieved a significant safety milestone: one year of safe operations without a recordable injury. That accomplishment comes…

Home Page

Biographies des dirigeants

…les fonctions commerciales de Domtar, tandis que M. Williams continuera à diriger toutes les fonctions corporatives jusqu’à sa retraite. Bios of all Management Committee members can be found here:…