Hawesville Mill uses technology to improve environmental responsibility

Hawesville Mill Uses Technology, Culture to Advance Sustainability

Our pulp and paper mills, including our Hawesville Mill in Kentucky, have been using wood fiber, water and basic chemistry to make useful, recyclable products for more than a century….

Our Hawesville and Dryden mills earned awards thanks to their robust safety system. Pictured: Hawesville team with award. More on newsroom.domtar.com.

Domtar Earns Accolades Ahead of Annual ‘Safety Month’ Observance

A strong safety system in a manufacturing facility is worthy of recognition and celebration. In May, our Hawesville and Dryden mills received prestigious awards for outstanding safety performance and leadership….

Domtar pulp and paper workers stand in front of the U.S. Capitol building.

Pulp and Paper Workers Advocate for Forest Products Industry

…pulp and papermaking industry was something I never saw myself doing. Now that I have, I can’t wait to go back.” Eric Pulliam, from Hawesville, was a returning participant. He…

Domtar made a $100,000 donation for tornado relief in Western Kentucky.

Domtar Donates $100,000 to Team Western Kentucky Tornado Relief Fund

…forward.” In addition, Domtar’s Hawesville, Kentucky, paper mill – about 40 miles north of the storm’s path – has also donated $10,000 to the tornado relief fund in Hancock County,…

Domtar employee volunteers give back throughout the year. Pictured: Group of Domtar employees with Sir Purr (Carolina Panthers mascot) at Classroom Central event.

Domtar Employee Volunteers Show Spirit of Caring Year-Round

…of Books events, Domtar employee volunteers joined forces with other Charlotte-area companies in August to fill 20,000 backpacks with school supplies for area students. Hawesville Mill and Owensboro Converting Donate…

[Image: Collage of 4 photos of employees with donation checks on blue, green and teal background.] Our 2K Your Way grant program invests in local organizations that are important to our employees. Learn more about this year’s grants.

Employees Direct $60,000 to Local Causes through 2K Your Way Program

…A library for Girls Incorporated in Hawesville, Kentucky, focused on books that encourage women and girls to be smart, bold and inspired Stocking local classroom libraries with new books and…

Industry advocates like Ashdown Mill employee Jennifer Beard met with lawmakers, including Senator John Boozman. Image description: Jennifer Beard, an Ashdown Mill employee (on the left), is pictured with Senator John Boozman on the right. They are in a room with other people in the background.

Pulp and Paper Engineers Shape the Future of Our Industry

…engineering student, Melanie Howard hoped to launch a career in manufacturing, but she hadn’t narrowed it down to a particular industry. She landed a co-op position at Domtar’s Hawesville, Kentucky,…

GivingTuesday Blanding's Turtle

Domtar’s 1K Your Way Reflects Spirit of GivingTuesday

…Here are just a few of the places where Domtar has invested alongside our employees for GivingTuesday and throughout the year: At our Hawesville Mill in Kentucky, Robert Roberts led…

Steve Henry (center), president of our Paper and Packaging business unit, shares insights in the first installment of our three-part series on our business units.

Behind Our Businesses: Paper and Packaging President Steve Henry Shares Insights

…general management in corporate and mill environments. He joined Domtar as general manager of the Hawesville, Kentucky, paper mill in 2011. Most recently, he led Domtar’s entry into the packaging…

Ashdown Mill EarthChoice Ambassadors hosted a seedling giveaway - employees are pictured with Earth Week banners and a blue tablecloth-covered table with additional info sheets.

Domtar’s EarthChoice Ambassadors Lead a Week of Earth Day Activities

…plants take root and grow. Each child will take home a book and potted seeds. Ambassadors from our Hawesville Mill are working with local schools to have students take part…